Informed by Research...

Sneeze Study




New York + Long Island News


Air Filtration—coronavirus-air-filtration-strategies-eng-us.pdf


UV Light Studies





Air Circulation

By keeping the air within a Connect unit clean and moving, business owners demonstrate to customers that their health and well-being is a top priority. Our hollow chamber columns and integrated patented technology allows for seamless integration of air-exchange systems.

Negative air pressure allows clean air to enter each unit while the stale air can be cleaned through HEPA filtration and UV light treatment systems. Air exchange vents can be installed in the top portion of each panel, as well as an exchange system using the hollow corner posts for duct systems.

For businesses with or without an adequate HVAC system, individual units can be an easy alternative to ensuring the health of customers while helping to flatten the curve of the coronavirus and other airborne viruses and pathogens. Each unit can be connected to an existing HVAC system with flex tubing and other components to complete the air exchange cycle.

By ordering a complete Connect unit, we provide the negative air flow mechanics that allow for 12 complete exchanges per hour, or every five minutes. This exchange rate is the gold standard for aggressive contaminates and exceeds the current pandemic sanitizing expectations.

Customized Aesthetics

CONNECT does more than just keep your people safe. CONNECT adds ambience, style, and sophistication to your current environment. Hanging sheets of plexiglass may be useful, but it can be a detriment to the look and feel of your space. MachWall Connect provides a classy, stylish solution to our new safety etiquette. Utilitarian options are good in a pinch, but Connect is in this for the long haul, providing flexible solutions to changes businesses need to consider for extended viability.
  • Multiple color options allow you to align design with your branding
  • Branding and messaging sections available on each unit
  • Ad space can be leveraged to generate brand recognition, and on-site advertisements.

Secure Separation

Our team began researching safe options during the COVID-19 shut-down as a way to be part of the solution in getting people back to work again. The current limit on capacity aims to keep people 6-feet apart, and it also significantly reduces opportunity and revenue. We knew there was a simple way to do both – keep people safe and return sales to pre-pandemic levels.

CONNECT units are customized to each business with a focus on a superior solution. We use quality materials and include health and safety mechanics in the design. Additionally, we’ve created a solution that can be assembled on-site, without special tools or labor.

Quick Assembly

A proprietary design, Connect’s patented technology is made with your business in mind. Quality materials are sourced and manufactured in Germany and the United States. Our sophisticated manufacturing facility produces custom designs with precision. Match your current interior design with a modern upgrade that meets today’s safety standards.

Connect is manufactured in the same factory as our luxury homes, custom furniture and millwork. There is no sacrifice in quality, construction, or material. Our laminate finish is a synthetic material that disinfects quickly after each customer, allowing businesses to increase their turn-over rate without burdening staff or slowing down service. Laminate is a scratch- and heat-resistant material that is preferred in most commercial applications and high-traffic areas.

Each visibility panel is made with tempered glass that cannot be scratched or shattered. This durability deters vandalism and damage to the glass panels.

Your custom Connect units are assembled on-site quickly and easily without special tools or skills. Simpler than some self-assembled furniture, Connect is just as easy to construct as they are to disassemble and reconfigure to meet changing space needs.

Flexible Layouts

COVID-19 has ended group gatherings that we once craved. Our CONNECT modules are the solution without unnecessary restriction. The thread that connects us is now visibility, clear site lines, fresh air and a sense of connection. Quarantined by CONNECT, the glass panels provide eye-level visibility without limitation. Extended sightlines allow for staying visually connected, thus psychologically and socially feeling part of the larger community. Beyond restaurants and retail, the Connect solution can be customized to fit any business location. The product is so versatile that designs range from single-occupancy booths to small groups, and even large groups isolated from even larger spaces. Custom solutions for any floorplan:
  • Classrooms
  • Salons
  • Waiting Rooms
  • Airports
  • Doctor Offices
  • And that’s just the beginning!